Saturday, December 12, 2009

1963 - 64 School Calendar and Special Regulations

When you look at the above 1963 - 64 School Calendar and Special Regulations you realize a lot of planning took place to operate the Elsinore Naval and Military School. No doubt this planning became more and more refined year after year during the existence of ENMS. No doubt those alumni who have waxed nostalgic to resurrect a new and improved version of ENMS at the same location have subconsciously balked knowing full well the level of difficulty required to make their dream a reality. The above school calendar was sent to my parents and this would guide their understanding of significant events transpiring throughout the year and the regulations regarding them. Then, they could plan accordingly. Note in the last paragraph that states, "KINDLY DO NOT ASK FOR EXTENSION OF LEAVE, NOR FOR PERMISSION TO LEAVE IN ADVANCE OF SCHEDULED DATES GIVEN ABOVE." Can you imagine the operational headaches had this policy not been in effect! See if you can spot this kindly reminder to parents from above, "PLEASE DO NOT GIVE OR SEND ADDITIONAL MONEY TO YOUR SON." Want to start and operate a profitable private prepatory military school? Not so fast! Takes guts! Lotsa guts!

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My Goal

I'm Gary, the bass drummer in the above picture. My identification number at the Elsinore Naval and Military School (ENMS) was 151 -- a number forever burned into my soul. Here are some memories during my two year stay at ENMS in the 7th and 8th grades during the 1963 -- 1964 -- 1965 school years. I've converted old 8 mm movies that my parents took and present them here for all to see under the title of ENMS Memories on My goal here is to share my story and hopefully it may stimulate viewers to share their stories with others -- even if you never attended ENMS. Who knows, you may be a parent considering sending your kid to military school and this web site may give you some insight as to what military schools have to offer. Please note that I am working on this blog at a rather sporadic pace. Also, for privacy reasons, I'll only identify cadets by their first name or initials. To access posts, please use the 'blog archive" on the right. Finally, the change from black to red type is just my style for indicating a change in the message context much like writing a new paragraph. Ready to take a ride? Let's begin! [Question: Is the ENMS band in the above picture performing at the beginning or end of the routine Sunday parade? Answer: With the platoons gone in the background, the parade is coming to an end with the ENMS band the last to pass and review -- following the Junior School platoon. Since we supplied the music / cadence for all cadets it made sense to have the ENMS band behind everyone keeping them all in step. Question: Who's the officer standing there with his back to us? Answer: That's CPT Fred V. Rosenberger, Assistant Commandant. Question: Is this the 1963-64 ENMS band or the 1964-65 ENMS band? Answer: It's the 1963-64 ENMS band because cadet Bob who became the 1964-65 ENMS band leader is in the band ranks playing snare drum -- first drum row center.]